Gastrochilus acaulis (Lindl.) Kuntze 1891
Photo by Copyright © Dr N. Sasidharan and The Kerala Plants India Website
Drawing Drawing by © M.D.Dassanayake & F.R.Fosberg
Common Name The Stemless Gastrochilus
Flower Size .24" [6 mm]
Found in India and Sri Lanka in submontane to tropical wet, evergreen forests at elevations of 900 to 1550 meters as a miniature sized, warm to cool growing epiphyte with a very short, nonpseudobulbous stem carrying a few, 2 to 4, distichous, linear-oblong, subfalcate, coriaceous, unequally and obtusely 2 notched apically, petiolate base leaves that blooms in the mid summer and fall on vary short, peduncle with 2 brown, sterile bracts, decurved, stuot, racemose, 2 to 3 flowered inflorescence with broadly ovate to semi-circular, rounded, single veined floral bracts and carrying plae green, conspicuously purple spotted flower with a white lip.
Synonyms *Cleisostoma acaule Lindl. 1833; Gastrochilus indicus Garay 1972; Gastrochilus nilagiricus Kuntze 1891; Gastrochilus pulchellus (Wight) Schltr. 1913; Saccolabium acaule (Lindl.) Hook.f. 1890; Saccolabium nilagiricum Hook.f. 1890; Saccolabium pulchellum (Wight) C.E.C.Fisch. 1928; Vanda fimbriata Gardner ex Thwaites 1861; Vanda pulchella Wight 1851
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ;
Orchids of Nilgiris Joseph 1987 drawing fide; Rudolf Schlechter Die Orchideen Band 1B lieferung 19/20 1129 - 1264 Brieger 1988; The Orchids of India A Glimpse Misra 2007 drawing/photo ok; Orchids of Odisha Misra 2014 drawing fide