Gymnadenia austriaca (Teppner & E.Klein) P.Delforge 1998 Photo courtesy of V. et V. Lecomte and the Orchids of France and Europe
Common Name The Austrian Gymnadenia
Flower Size about 1/4" [about .5 cm]
This small to medium sized, cold growing terrestrial herb with lobed tubers and angled, slender stems carrying several linear-lanceolate, channeled, minutely dentate, green leaves that is found in Spain, France, Germany and Austria and has Vanilla scented flowers that occur in the summer on a robust, erect, 2 to 10" [5 to 25 cm] long inflorescence that has the successive opening flowers held in an apical cluster.
Synonyms Gymnadenia nigra subsp. austriaca (Teppner & E.Klein) Teppner & E.Klein 1998; Nigritella austriaca (Teppner & E.Klein) P.Delforge 1991; Nigritella nigra [L.]Rchb.f subs. austriaca Teppner & Klein 1830;
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Orchids of Europe, North Africa and the Middle East Delforge 2005
Gymnadenia austriaca var. gallica (E.Breiner & R.Breiner) P.Delforge 1998
Flower Closeup Photo courtesy of © Swiss Orchid Foundation at the Herbarium Jany Renz and their Website
Common Name The French Gymnadenia
Flower Size about 1/4" [about .5 cm]
Found in France and Spain at elevations of 1400 to 2100 meters as a small to medium sized, cold growing terrestrial orchid differing from the type in having fewer flowers, a slightly longer spur and a different location that bloom in the late spring and summer on a robust, erect inflorescence that has the flowers held in an apical cluster with the fragrant flowers opening in succession.
Synonyms Gymnadenia austriaca var. iberica (Teppner & E.Klein) G.Foelsche & W.Foelsche 1999; Gymnadenia nigra subsp. iberica (Teppner & E.Klein) Teppner & E.Klein 1998; Nigritella austriaca subsp. iberica (Teppner & E.Klein) L.Sáez 2004; Nigritella nigra subsp. gallica E.Breiner & R.Breiner, Mitt 1993; Nigritella nigra subsp. iberica Teppner & Klein 1993
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Orchids of Europe, North Africa and the Middle East Delforge 2005