Habenaria amboinensis J.J.Sm. 1917

TYPE Drawing by © J J Smith

Part shade hot LATE Summer

Common Name The Amboin Island Habenaria [Part of the Molucca Island chain]

Flower Size

Found on Amboin island in the Moluccas in light forests at elevations around 250 meters as a hot growing, medium sized terrestrial with an erect stem, leafy above, with about 10, descending in size above, erect-patent, lanceolate, acute, long mucronate, basally narrowing, median rib,, carinate on the back, reticulate-venose leaves that blooms in the late summer on an erect, terminal, peduncle to 4.4" [11 cm] long, provided with 6 to 7, ereect, laxly adpressed, smaller above, lanceolate, long acuminate bracts, rachis to 4" [10 cm] long, to 13 flowered inflorescence with erect, lanceolate, long and acutely acuminate, concave, margin minutely papillose floral bracts and carrying green and white flowers.

Closest to Habenaria dracaenifolia, Habenaria keyensis and Habenaria bantamensis. Differs from Habenaria dracaenifolia, in the smaller leaves, hardly acuminate sepals, the petasl not cohering with the dorsal sepal and provided with a short anterior l;acina, shorter lateral lobes and the spur is dilated above the base and longer than the ovary. Differs from Habenaria bantamensisby the broadre gradually narrowed leaves, more numerous flowers on the inflorescence, the sepals not acuminate, the petals witha shorterand broader posterior lacina, shorter and unequal lobes of the lip, a longer spur amd smaller staminodes. It differs from Habenaria keyensis by the lateral sepals not being acuminate , the longer anterior lacina of the petals, the shorter lancinia of the lip, the longer, straight spur amd the stigmata nearly equalling the anther canals in length.


References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ;

* Philipp. J. Sci., C 12: 251 J J Sm. 1917
