Habenaria antennifera A.Rich. 1840 SECTION Replicatae Kraenzl.
Plant and Flowers in situ Ethopia
Photos courtesy of © Swiss Orchid Foundation at the Herbarium Jany Renz
Common Name The Antenna Habenaria [ refers to the antenna-like petals and lip]
Flower Size .4" [1 cm]
Found in Ethiopia, Sudan and Yemen in grassland and open scrub often among rocks at elevations of 2000 to 3300 meters as a small to medium sized, cold growing terrestial with a leafy stem carrying 4 to 7, ovate to elliptic-lanceolate leaves that blooms in the late summer and early fall on an erect, 1.8 to 8" [4.5 to 20 cm] long, cylindrical, subdensely many flowered inflorescence with longer than the ovary, ovate-elliptic, glandular-pubescent floral bracts
Synonyms [Bilabrella antennifera A. Rich] Szach & Kras. 2009; Habenaria leptobrachiata Ridl. 1886; Habenaria pantothrix Kraenzl. 1893; Habenaria simensis Rchb.f. 1850
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ;
*Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot., sér. 2, 14: 268 A Rich. 1840
Linnaea 22: 859 Rchb.f 1850 as H sinensis;
Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 16: 89 Kraenzl. 1892 as H panthotrix
J. Bot. 24: 293 Ridley 1886 as H leptobrachiata
Field Guide to Ethiopian Orchids Demissew, Cribb and Rasmussen 2004 photos fide
Richardiana 9: 158 Szlach. & Kras 2009 as Bilabrella antennifera