Habenaria disparilis Summerhs. 1962 SECTION Replicatae Kraenzl. 1892
Photos by Bart Wursten ©, and his Flora Of Zimbabwe WebSite
Drawing by Mary Grierson
Common Name The Unequal Habenaria
Flower Size .65" [1.6 cm]
Found in Zaire, Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe in Brachystegia woodlands, grasslands and along road sides at elevations of 1150 to 1800 meters as a large sized, cool growing terrestrial with ellipsoid tubers giving rise to a leaves all along the stem, the lowest leaves sheathing with dark reticulate veining, middle leaves spreading and upper bract-like and blooms in the late spring through early fall on a terminal, erect up to 12" [30 cm] long, densely many-flowered inflorescence with scarious, longer below than to shorter above than the ovary floral bracts
Synonyms Bilabrella disparilis (Summerh.) Szlach. & Kras-Lap. 2003
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ;
*Kew Bull. 16: 277 Summerhayes 1962
Flora of Tropical East Africa Part 1 Summerhayes 1968;
The Orchids of South Central Africa Williamson 1977 drawing fide; Flore D'Afrique Centrale [Zaire- Rwands - Burundi] Orhidaceae Premeir parte Geerink 1984;
Flora Zambesiaca Vol 11 Part 1 Pope 1995;
Orchidaceae of West Central Africa Vol 1 Szlatchecko etal 2010 as Bilabrella disparilis drawing fide