Habenaria lizbethae R.González & Cuevas-Figueroa 2004 publ. 2006 SECTION Clypeatae
TYPE Drawing by © González & Cuevas-Figueroa and El Universal WebSite
Common Name Lizbeth's Habenaria [Mexican Botanist and co-collector of species current]
Flower Size .92" [2.3 cm]
Found in Jalisco state of Mexico in oak and pine forests at elevations around 600 to 900 meters as a small to medium sized, warm growing terrestrial with ellipsoid to obovoid, wrinkled tubers giving rise to an erect stem carrying to 8, the basal ones smaller, sheathing, the middle ones, ascending, very rigid, arching, lanceolate to elliptic, attenuate at both ends, acute to acuminate leaves with the uppermost becoming bractlike and adpressed to the stem that blooms in the late summer and early fall on a terminal, erect, semi-cylindrical, angled, 1.4 to 2" [3.5 to 5 cm] long, 4 to 10 flowered inflorescence with longer than to equal to the ovary, conduplicate, ovate-lanceolate, acuminate floral bracts.
"Habenaria lizbethae is related to H. clypeata but differs in the following attributes: slender plant; leaves scattered on stem; lateral lobes of the labellum slightly smaller than the central lobe; and attenuated stigmatic processes on both sides, with a prominent basal rim. H. clypeata has a more compact, with the leaves close to each other; the denser inflorescence cluster; the nectary as long as the ovary; The floral bract lanceolate with a more prominent keel; The sepals side with the base decurrent on the back side. Habenaria lizbethae is closely related to H. pinzonii by the leaves are that almost all imbricate, smaller, mostly cucullated, except for the last ones; stem mostly hidden; nectary as long as the ovary, barely arched; the posterior lobe of its petals obtuse; the obtuse-rhombiform rostelum rounded; the rhombiform stigmatic processes, shorter than the blade of the labellum, glandular on the outer side and the caudicles are arched." Jorge Roberto González Tamayo y Lizbeth Hernández Hernández 2010
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ;
* Ibugana 12(2): 17-19. R.González & Cuevas-Figueroa 2004 drawing fide
Las Orquideas del Occidente de Mexico Vol 1: 171 Jorge Roberto González Tamayo y Lizbeth Hernández Hernández 2010 drawing fide;