Habenaria magistrae Carvajal & L.M.González 2013
TYPE Drawing of H rodriguezii by J. R. González and Las Orquideas del Occidente de Mexico Vol 1 Jorge Roberto González Tamayo y Lizbeth Hernández Hernández 2010
Common Name The ?Habenaria
Flower Size .24 to .34" wide [6 a 8.5 mm]
Found in Jalisco and San Juan de Potosi states of Mexico in seasonally humid grasslands or on grassy slopes in pine and oak forest, at elevations of 1600 to 1625 meters as a very rare, small sized, cool growing terrestrial with extended or descending, ovoid-oblong to oblong-ellipsoid with prominent wrinkles giving rise to an erect, robust, somewhat flattened, cylindrical to subcylindrical, leafy throughout stem carrying 9 to 12, leathery, cauline, imbricate, conduplicate towards the base, yellowish-green, opaque, the first three or four reduced to sheaths, cucullated, the remaining erect, developing a lamina, sometimes an extended one, the the last adpressed, the largest located in the middle part, the upper reduced, similar to floral bracts; lamina lanceolate, oblong-lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, furrowed, carnada, margins incurved or revolute, with three ribs, the central one raised in keel, the edges hyaline leaves that blooms in the later summer and early fall on an erect, terminal, rachis robust , angular, striated, in a rather dense, cylindrical cluster, 3 to 4.8" [7.5 to 12 cm] long, 1.36" to 1.8" [3.4 to 4.5 cm] in diameter, 8 to 17 flowered inflorescence with Semi-amplexicaule, exceeds the ovary in the first flowers, in the last it is little shorter, ascending, concave at the base, lanceolate, acuminate floral bracts.
"Habenaria magistrae is related to H. alata, but it is more slender; has a less dense inflorescence; ringing perigonium; the apex of the petals are acute to subobtuse, the stigmatic processes cover the basal atria of the labellum; the labellum is subpatent, lanceolate-linear, gradually attenuated and the spur is as long as the ovary. In Habenaria magistrae on the contrary, has more robust plants in general, the inflorescence are rather dense; the labellum is pendulous, oblong and suddenly contracted to an acute apex; the is spur shorter than the ovary; lateral sepals are reflexed; the apex of the petals are rounded and the stigmatic processes are shorter than the blade of the labellum which is attenuate and rounded on both sides." Jorge Roberto González Tamayo y Lizbeth Hernández Hernández 2010
Synonyms Habenaria rodriguezii R.González & Lizb.Hern. 2010 non H. rodriguesii
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ;
Las Orquideas del Occidente de Mexico Vol 1 Jorge Roberto González Tamayo y Lizbeth Hernández Hernández 2010 as H rodriguezii drawing fide;
*Ibugana 4: 109 Carvajal & L.M.González 2013