Habenaria floribunda Lindl. 1835 SECTION Seticauda
Photos By © Prem Subrahmanyam and his Florida Native Orchids Blogspot
Drawing By © Charles Schweinfurth
Common Name The Many Flowered Habenaria - In USA - The Toothed Rein Orchis -
Flower Size 1" [2.5 cm]
Found in Florida, Mexico, Belize, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Bahamas, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Leeward Islands, Puerto Rico, Magdalena and Boyaca departments of Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Venezuela, Guyana, Brazil and Paraguay in moist forests at elevations of 900 to 1850 meters as a large sized, warm to cool growing terrestrial in damp hardwood hammocks with a stem enveloped completely by 5 to 12, glossy green, elliptic, acute, basally clasping leaves that blooms in the fall through late winter on a terminal, 2' [60 cm] long, several to many flowered [10 to 60], racemose inflorescence with basal leaf sheaths and linear-elliptic, shorter than the ovary floral bracts and flowers that have an unpleasant odor.
Synonyms Habenaria autumnalis Poepp. & Endl. 1836; Habenaria garberi Porter 1880; Habenaria herzogii Schltr. 1913; Habenaria odontopetala Rchb. f. 1844; Habenaria odontopetala f. heatonii P.M.Br. 2001; Habenaria selerorum Schltr. 1899; Habenaria strictissima var. odontopetala (Rchb. f.) L.O. Williams 1939; Habenaria tetrodon Kraenzl. 1920; benella floribunda (Lindl.) Szlach. & Kras-Lap. 2006; Habenella garberi (Porter) Small 1903; Habenella herzogii (Schltr.) Szlach. & Kras-Lap. 2006; Habenella odontopetala (Rchb.f.) Small 1933; Habenella santa-martae Szlach. & Kolan. 2017; Platanthera garberi (Porter) Chapm. 1897; Platantheroides floribunda (Lindl.) Szlach. 2004; Platantheroides herzogii (Schltr.) Szlach. 2004; Platantheroides odontopetala (Rchb.f.) Szlach 2004
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ;
* Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl.: 316 Lindley 1835
Nov. Gen. Sp. Pl. 1: 44 Poepp. & Endl. 1836 as H autumnalis;
Linnaea 18: 407 Rchb.f 1845 as H odontopetala
Bot. Gaz. 5: 135 Porter 1880 as H garberi;
Fl. South. U.S., ed. 3: 486 Small 1897 as Habenella odontopetala;
Bull. Herb. Boissier 7: 539 Schlechter 1899 as H selerorum
Fl. S.E. U.S.: 316 Small 1903 as Habenella garberi
J. Bot. 47: 263 Fawcett & Rendle 1909 as H purdiei;
Studies in the Family Orchidaceae Vol 4: 264 Ames 1910 as H selerorum;
Studies in the Family Orchidaceae Vol 4: 266 Ames 1910 as H odontopetala drawing fide;
Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 12: 481 Schlechter 1913 as H herzogii
Vidensk. Meddel. Naturhist. Foren. Kjøbenhavn 71: 178 Kraenzl 1920 as H tetrodon
Repert. Speciorum Novarum Regni Vegetabilis Band VIII: 120 Peru Schlechter 1921 as H autumnalis;
Repert. Speciorum Novarum Regni Vegetabilis Band VIII: 120 Peru Schlechter 1921;
Man. S.E. Fl.: 373 Small 1933 as Habenella odontopetals;
Flore Descriptive des Antilles Francaises H. Stehle 1939;
Bot. Mus. Leafl. 7: 184 L O Williams 1939 as H strictissima var. odontopetala
Flora Brasilica Vol XII I Hoehne 1940 as H hersogii drawing hmm;
Flora Brasilica Vol XII I Hoehne 1940 as H autumnalis drawing good;
Flora Brasilica Vol XII I Hoehne 1940 as H tetrodon;
Native Orchids of North America Correll 1950 as Habenaria strictissima var odontopetala drawing fide;
Orchids of Guatemala Ames & Correl 1952
Orchids of Guatemala Ames & Correl 1952 drawing good;
Orchids Of Peru Vol 1 Schweinfurth 1958 as H autumnalis;
Orchids of Peru Vol 1 Schweinfurth 1958 ;
Drawings of Florida Orchids Blanche Ames 1959 as Habenaria strictissima var odontopetala drawing fide;
Venezuelan Orchids Illustrated Vol 1 Dunsterville & Garay 1959 as H petalodes drawing good;
Flora de Venezuela Foldats Volumen XV Part 1 1969 drawing ok;
The Native Orchids of Florida Luer 1972 as H odontopetala drawing/photo fide;
Flora of the Lesser Antilles :33 Garay & Sweet 1974 as H odontopetala
Flora of the Lesser Antilles :34 Garay & Sweet 1974 as H odontopetala drawing fide;
Las Orquideas de El Salvador Hamer Vol 1 1974 drawing hmm;
Orchidaceae Brasilenses Band 1 Pabst and Dungs 1975 as H herzogii drawing ok;
Flora of Ecuador No 9 225[1] Garay 1978?;
Orchids of Venezuela [An illustrated field guide] Vol. 1 Dunsterville and Garay 1979 as H petalodes not = H floribunda drawing good;
Las Orquedias De El Salvador Vol 1 Hamer 1974 drawing/photo fide;
AOS Bulletin Vol 50 No 6 1981 as H odontopetala photo good;
Las Orquedias de El Salvador Vol 3 Hamer 1981 drawing fide;
Icones Planetarum Tropicarum plate 763 Dodson 1982 drawing fide;
Field Guide to the Orchids of North America Williams and Williams 1983 as H odontopetala drawing good;
AOS Bulletin Vol 54 No 4 1985 photo fide;
Catalogo Descriptivo de Las Orquideas Cubanas Acuna Gale 1987;
Orchids from The Coast Of Ecuador Arosemana, Jurado, Estrada and Konanz 1988;
Selbyana Vol 10 Orchids of Central America Hamer 1988 drawing fide;
Fairchild Tropical Garden Bulletin Vol 47 No 2 1992 photo;
Field Guide to the Orchids of Panama and Costa Rica Dressler 1993;
Icones Planetarum Tropicarum plate 1535 Atwood 1993 drawing fide;
An Orchid Flora Of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands Ackerman 1995;
Orchids of Venezuela [An illustrated field guide] Vol. 2 Ramiro and Carnevali 2000 drawing good;
Orchidaceae Antillanae Nir 2000 as H odontopetala;
N American Native Orchid Journal 7: 93 P M Brown 2001 as H odontopetals f heatonii;
AOS Bulletin Vol 70 #12 2001 as H odontopetala fma hestonii;
Harvard Pap. Bot. 5 #2: Carnevali etal. 2001;
Wild Orchids of Florida Brown 2002 as H odontopetala photos/drawing fide;
The Wild Orchids of North America North of Mexico Brown 2003 as H odontopetala photo/drawing fide;
The Wild Orchids of North America North of Mexico Brown 2003 as H odontopetala photo/drawing fide;
Flora of the Venezuelan Guayana Vol 7 Steyermark, Berry, Yatskievych and Holst 2003;
Richardiana 4: 106 Szlach 2004 as Platantheroides floribunda
Richardiana 4: 107 Szlach 2004 as Platantheroides herzogii
Richardiana 4: 107 Szlach 2004 as Platantheroides odontopetala
The Orchids of Cuba Llamacho & Larramendi 2005 as H odontopetala photo fide;
Orchids of Mexico Hagsater, Soto, Salazar, Jimenez, Lopez & Dressler 2005 as H odontopetala;
Richardiana 6: 36 Szlach. & Kras-Lap. 2006 as Habenella floribunda;
Richardiana 6: 36 Szlach. & Kras-Lap. 2006 as Habenella herzogii
Richardiana 6: 37 Szlach. & Kras-Lap. 2006 as Habenella odontopetala;
AOS Bulletin Vol 77 no 1 2008 photo fide;
Orchid Flora of the Greater Antilles Ackerman 2014;
Orchids of the Darien Gap Kolanowska 2014 as Habenella dentifera drawing ok;
AOS Bulletin Vol 84 #3 2015 photo fide;
Orquideas Tesoro de Colombia Vol 2 Ortiz & Uribe 2017 drawing good/photo ok;
Materials to the Orchid Flora of Colombia Vol 1: 86 Szlachetko & Kolanowska 2017 as Habenella odontopetala drawing fide/photo fide;
Materials to the Orchid Flora of Colombia Vol 1: 92 Szlachetko & Kolanowska 2017 as Habenella floribunda drawing fide;
Materials to the Orchid Flora of Colombia Vol 1: 93 Szlachetko & Kolanowska 2017 as Habenella santa-martae drawing fide;
Orchid Genera and Species in Guatemala Archila, Szlachchetko, Chiron, Lipinska, Mystkowska and Bertolini 2018 as Habenalla floribunda
Orchid Genera and Speceis in Guatemala Archila, Szlachchetko, Chiron, Lipinska, Mystkowska and Bertolini 2018 as Habenella odontopetala photo fide