Jumellea confusa (Schltr.) Schltr. 1915 GROUP 6
Photo by Fred Hillerman
Photos by Donna Nash
Common Name The Confused Jumellea
Flower Size 1 1/4" [3 cm]
Found in central Madagascar in low dense forests among mosses and lichens at elevations of 600 to 1500 meters as a medium to large sized, warm to cool growing epiphyte or sometimes lithophyte with numerous, 2 ranked, leathery, conduplicate below, linear-ligulate, equally lobed apically, dark green leaves that blooms in the late spring and early fall on an axillary, .8 to 1.6" [2 to 4 cm] long, erect, single flowered inflorescence arising from the leaf axils as well as on the stem below the leaves and carrying jasmine scented flowers.
Synonyms *Angraecum confusum Schltr. 1913; Jumellea ankaratrana Schltr. 1925
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Flora of Madagascar Perrier 1939/81; An Introduction to the Angraecoid Orchids of Madagascar Hillerman & Holst 1986 drawing/photo fide; Angraecoid Orchids Stewart, Hermans, Campbell 2006 photo good; Orchids of Madagascar Hermans, Du Puy, Cribb & Bosser 2007; Mille et Une Mini Orchideees Roguenant 2009 photo good; Field Guide to the Orchids of Madgascar Cribb & Hermans 2009 photo fide; Les Orchidees de Madagascar Bosser & Lecoufle 2015 photo fide; Orchid Digest Vol 80 #2 2016;