Laelia x crawshayana Rchb. f. 1883

SUBGENUS Laelia SECTION Podolaelia Photo by © Lourens Grobler


Plant and Flowers in situ

Closeup of Flowers in situ Photos by © Weyman Bussey


Found in Jalisco state of Mexico as a medium sized, cool growing epiphyte and it is similar to Laelia autumnalis but blooms in late January, February and April. It comes only from the state of Jalisco, east of Puerto Vallarta at elevations of 1000 to 1600 meters on oaks on the Pacific coast with longer and narrower leaves, a more compact inflorescence, slightly larger flowers with the sepals uniformly colored rose pink instead of lilac color that is normal for L autumnalis.

A natural hybrid between Laelia albida and Laelia anceps found in western Mexico.

Synonyms Laelia bancalarii R. González & Hágsater 1984; Laelia crawshayana var. leucoptera Rchb.f. 1884; Laelia leucoptera (Rchb.f.) Rolfe 1890

References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; ORQUIDEA (Méx.) 9(2): Hagsater 1984 as Laelia banclarii; Flora Novo-Galaciana Vol 16 McVaugh 1985 as L banclari; An Introdution to the Orchids of Mexico Wiard 1987 as L banclariphoto fide; Cattleya and Their Relatives Vol 2 Withner 1990 as L banclari photo good; Laelia in Mexico ORQUIDEA (MEX.) 15. OCTOBER 1997 drawing/photo fide; Australian Orchid Review Vol 66 No 5 2001 as L banclari photo; Rudolf Schlechter Die Orchideen Band 1C lieferung 42 - 43 pg 2626 - 2762 Brieger 2001 ;
