Lepanthes nutanticaulis Hespenh. & Dod 1989 SUBGENUS Lepanthes SECTION Lepanthes SUBSECTION Lepanthes SERIES Lepanthes
TYPE Drawings by Hespenh. & Dod and Moscosoa 5: 258 Hespenh. & Dod 1989
Common Name The Nutant Ramicaul Lepanthes [refers to the thin ramicaul that cannot support the weight of the leaf]
Flower Size
Found in the Dominican Republic and Haiti in primary broadleaved forests near the border at elevations of 1200 to 1250 meters as a mini-miniature sized, cool growing, caesptiose epiphyte with slender, ascending ramicauls enveloped by 4 to 9, dilated, infundibuliform, microscopically echinate lepanthiform sheaths and carrying a single, apical, erect, subcoriaceous, Lanceolate to broadly elliptic, abruptly rounded below into the shortly petiolate base leaf that blooms in the late winter and early spring on a terminal, generally shorter than the leaf, 1 to 1.6" [2.5 to 4 cm] long, distichous, congested, successively single, to 30 flowered inflorescence with sparsely ciliate, longer than the pedicel floral bracts and carrying flowers with yellow colored sepals, red rimmed petals with the centers orange and a red lip.
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; * Moscosoa 5: 258 Hespenh. & Dod 1989drawing fide; Orchid Flora of the Greater Antilles Ackerman 2014