Lepanthes posthon Luer 1987 SUBGENUS Lepanthes SECTION Lepanthes SUBSECTION Lepanthes SERIES Lepanthes

Photo by Lisa Thoerle

TYPE Drawing

TYPE Drawing by Carl Luer and Lindleyana 2: 207 Luer 1987

Common Name The Post Lepanthes [refers to the lip's shape]

Flower Size 1.6" [4 mm]

Found Costa Rica in pluvial forests at elevations around 1300 meters as a mini-miniature sized, cool growing epiphyte with lateral ramicauls enveloped by 3 to 4 lepanthiform sheaths and carrying a reticulate, round, obtuse, abruptly narrowing base leaf that blooms in the spring on a few .8" [2 cm] long successively single, few flowered inflorescence.

Lepanthes posthon resembles the Ecuadorian species, Lepanthes equus-frisiae, Lepanthes pelorostele , L scrotifera and L rigidigitata, the Colombian species L abortiva, L eros, L isoceles, L vargasii, L micellilabia and the Costa Rican , L spadariae L ova-rajae Luer and L vestgialis.


References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ;

Lankester's Epidendra Website CR ; * Lindleyana 2: 210 Luer 1987; _A_New_Species_of_Lepanthes_Orchidaceae_Pleurothallidinae_From_Colombia_with_A_Large_and_Protruding_Column Lankesteriana 17: 227 Moreno Vieira & Karremans 2017 drawing/photo fide;
