Liparis mulindana Schltr. 1915 TYPE Drawing by © Susan Hillier/Cribb
TYPE Drawing TYPE Drawing by © Schlechter and The Swiss Orchid Foundation at the Jany Renz Herbaria Website
Common Name The Mulinda Liparis [an area near lake Malawi in Tanzania]
Flower Size
Found in Gabon, Burundi, Zaire, Tanzania Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe in forests at elevations around 900 to 1225 meters as a miniature sized, warm to cool growing terrestrial with a subterranean, fleshy rhizome giving rise to a single [rarely 2] adpressed tothe growung, orbicular to cordate, coriaceous, entire to slightly crinkled margin, deep green above, purplish beneath leaf that blooms in the mid to later winter on an erect, terminal, 6" [15 cm] long, laxly 3 to 10 flowered inflorescence carrying pinkish mauve to greenish purple flowers.
The orchid is distinguished by the relatively narrow, oblong-obovate to obovate-subrectangular lip with prominent basal auricles
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; The Orchids of South Central Africa Williamson 1977 drawing ok; Flora of Tropical East Africa Orchidaceae Part 2 Cribb 1984 drawing fide; Flore D'Afrique Centrale [Zaire- Rwands - Burundi] Orhidaceae Premeir parte Geerink 1984 drawing fide; Flora Zambesiaca Vol 11 Orchidaceae Part 1 Pope 1995; Orchidaceae of West Central Africa Vol 2 Szlatchetko 2010 drawing fide