Liparis rhombea J.J. Sm. 1910 SECTION Coriifolia Rchb.f
Photo by © Amos Tan and His Asiatic green Website
Plant, Inflorescence and Flowers
Photo by © Dave Alford
Common Name or Meaning The Diamond-Shaped Liparis
Flower Size
Found in Thailand, penninsular Malaysia, Java and Borneo in riverine, lower montane forests at elevations of 400 to 1300 meters as a small sized, hot to cool growing epiphyte with ovoid, compressed, pseudobulbs carrying one to 2, acute leaves that blooms in the late spring and summer with close set , ovoid, flattened pseudobulbs carrying a single, apical, acute leaf that blooms on an arching, 2.8" to 10" [7 to 25 cm] tall, loosely many [20 to 30] flowered inflorescence.
Synonyms Stichorkis rhombea (J.J.Sm.) Marg., Szlach. & Kulak 2008
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Flora of Malaya Vol 1 Holttum 1957; Dansk Bot Arkiv Bind 31 Nr 1 Orchids of Thailand IV Liparis Seidenfaden 1976 drawing fide; Orchids of Java Comber 1990 photo fide; The Orchids of Penninsular Mayasia and Singapore Seidenfaden & Wood 1992 drawing fide; A Checklist of the Orchids of Borneo Wood & Cribb 1994; Identification of the Orchids [Orchidaceae Juss.] Vietnam Averyanov 1994; A to Z of South East Asian Orchid Species Vol 1 O'Byrne 2001 photo fide; Malesian Orchid Journal Vol 2 2008; Wild Orchids of the Cameron Highlands REACH 2009 photo ok; Wild Orchids of Penninsular Malaysia Ong, O'Byrne, Yong & Saw 2011 photo good