Malaxis brachyodonta (Schltr.) C.Schweinf. 1936 Type Drawing by © Schlechter and The Swiss Orchid Foundation at the Jany Renz Herbaria Website

Full shade Cool Spring

Common Name The Short Toothed Malaxis

Flower Size

Found in New Guinea at elevations around 1100 meters as a small sized, cool growing terrestrial with a short rhizome giving rise to an erect, very short stem carrying about 3 to 4, erect-patent, glossy violet red, ovate to ovate-elliptic, acute, glabrous, petiolate base leaves that blooms in the spring on a thin, erect, angled, glabrous, to 16" [40 cm] long, densely many flowered inflorescence with deflexed, narrowly lanceolate, acuminate, longer than the ovary floral bracts.

Schlechter states that the flowers are violet red with yellow tips topthe sepals and the anther is white.

Synonyms Crepidium brachyodontum (Schltr.) Szlach. 1995; *Microstylis brachyodonta Schltr. 1911

References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Orchidaceae of German New Guinea Schlechter 1911 as Microstylis brachyodonta Drawing fide;
