Malaxis tjiwideiensis (J.J.Sm.) Bakh.f. 1963 SECTION Crepidium Photo by © Raab Bustamante and The Wiki Media Website

Part shade Cool

Common Name or Meaning The Tjiwidej Malaxis [An area of west Java]

Flower Size 1/4" [.6 cm]

Found in Java at elevations of 1500 to 2000 meters as a small sized, cool growing terrestrial with an erect stem carrying about 5, well spaced, ovate, shortly acuminate, 5 main veined, abruptly contracted below into the long petiolate base leaves that blooms on a 10" [25 cm] long, peduncle to 6" [15 cm] long, several flowered inflorescence.

CAUTION I have no way of verifying this determination so please use with caution!!!

Synonyms Crepidium tjiwideiense (J.J.Sm.) Szlach. 2001; *Microstylis tjiwideiensis J.J.Sm. 1913

References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Orchids of Java Comber 1990;
