Maxillaria stricta Schltr. 1921 sect. Trigonae Christenson 2013 TYPE Drawing © by Schlechter
Common Name The Striaght Maxillaria
Flower Size
Found in Chimborazo province of Ecuador in montane forests above 3000 meters as a medium to just sized, cold growing epiphyte without pseudobulbs but with a , terete, straight stem carrying densely many, erect-patent, ligulate, obliquely acute, thin textured leaves with striate nerved, subrugulose, persistent leaf sheaths that blooms in the late fall and early winter on several, axillary, erect, peduncle short, provided with a short bract, single flower inflorescence with elliptic-cucullate, acuminate, half again as long as the ovary floral bracts and carrying an erect-patent, fleshy flower.
Similar to M alpestris and M nitidula
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list, IPNI *Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 8:97 Schlechter 1921; Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih.57:380 Schlechter1929 drawing fide;