Maxillaria witsenioides Schltr. 1920 sect. Iridifoliae Pfitz 1889
Plant and Flowers Photo by © Lourens Grobler
Common Name The Witsenia-Like Maxillaria [refers to the orchids resemblance to a member of the Iridaceaea]
Flower Size 1"[ 2.5 cm]
A compressed, fan-shaped epiphyte of Colombia, Ecuador and Peru that is found at elevations around 600 to 1500 meters as a small to large sized, warm to cool growing epiphytic orchid with slender pendant stems completely enveloped by distichous, closely imbricating, spreading sheaths and carrying equitant, acute to obtuse, minutely apiculate leaves mostly held towards the apex, that blooms in the late winter and spring on an axillary, short inflorescence that holds the single flower close to the leaf.
Synonyms Hoehnella witsenioides (Schltr.) Szlach. & Sitko 2012; Marsupiaria witsenioides (Schltr.) Pabst 1955; Rhetinantha witsenioides (Schltr.) M.A. Blanco 2007
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; *Die Orchideen der Sudamerikanischen Kordillerenstaaten II Colombia Schlechter 1920; Beitrage Zur Orchideenkunde Von Colombia 27:97 Schlechter 1924; Fieldiana Biology, Vol 33, 1st Supple. to the Orchids of Peru Schweinfurth 1970; Orchid Digest Vol 37 No 5 1973 photo fide; Orquideologia Vol 17 #3 1988 as subgen Camaridium; Icones Planetarum Tropicarum Series II Orchids of Peru Plate 0109 Dodson & Bennett 1989 drawing fide; Rudolf Schlechter Die Orchideen lieferung 29 1777 - 1840 Brieger 1994 as Marsupiaria witenoides photo good;