Mediocalcar geniculatum J.J.Sm. 1912 Drawing © by Schuitteman
Common Name The Abruptly Bent Column Foot Mediocalcar
Flower Size .08" [2 mm] wide .33" [8 mm] long
Found in New Guinea in montane forests on tree trunks usually in moss cushions at elevations of 1600 to 2590 meters as a mini-miniature sized, cool to cold growing epiphyte with a creeping, sparsely branching rhizome with to 5 to 8 closely adpressed, densely verrucose, tubular, subacute , slightly keeled at the apex cataphyls, with .6 to 2.4" [1.5 to 6 cm] between each, olive green to dull purple, suberect to erect, narrowly conical to subcylindrical pseudobulbs carrying 2, olive green above, paler green beneath, usually with red brown to purplish margins, petiolate, glabrous to somewhat warty above, glabrous beneath, margin minutely crenulate, elliptic, acute to subacute, rarely obtuse, minutely unequally bilobed, mucronate, the mucro longer than the lobules, keeled beneath, fleshy leaf that blooms in pairs, occcasionally single, synanthous, peduncle red, .44 to 1.2" [1.1 to 3 cm] long, apically provided with a triangular bract, single flowered inflorescence carrying narrowly urceolate, slightly oblique, bright red to orange red flowers with yellowish green to rather dark green apice.
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list, IPNI Orchid Monographs Vol 8 Schuitteman 1997 drawing fide;