Mediocalcar stevenscoodei P.Royen 1979 Drawing © by Schuitteman

Common Name Stevens and Coode's Mediocalcar [Co-collectors of the type current]

Flower Size

Found in southeastern New Guinea in upper montane to sub-alpineforests on tree trunks usually in moss cushions at elevations of 2800 to 3200 meters as a mini-miniature sized, cold growing epiphyte with a creeping, sparsely branching rhizome with to 4 to 6 closely adpressed, slightly verrucose, tubular, subacute, keeled at the apex cataphyls, with .8 to 1.2" [2 to 3 cm] between each, suberect to erect, cylindrical to ellipsoid pseudobulbs carrying 2 to rarely 3, glossy, glabrous, margin minutely erose, subpetiolate, elliptic to broadly, rounded,minutely unequally bilobed, mucronate, the mucro as long as the lobules fleshy leaf that blooms in pairs or solitary, synanthous, .4 to .52" [1 to 1.3 cm] long, apically provided with an obscurely triangular bract, single flowered inflorescence carrying narrowly urceolate, slightly oblique, red flowers with green apice.

Synonyms Mediocalcar viridicoccineum P.Royen 1979

References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list, IPNI Orchid Monographs Vol 8 Schuitteman 1997 drawing fide;

