Mediocalcar pygmaeum Schltr. 1911 SECTION Microcalcar

Plant and Flowers

Photos by © Rudolf Jenny and The Swiss Orchid Foundation at the Jany Renz Herbaria Website

Deep shadeCoolColdSpring

Common Name or Meaning The Tiny Mediocalcar

Flower Size

Found in New Guinea on trees in montane forests at elevations of 1200 to 2400 meters as a mini-miniature sized, cool to cold growing epiphyte with a terete, elongate rhizome giving rise to distant, depressed, adnate to the rhizome, oblong pseudobulbs carrying a 2, apical, divaricate, oblong, obtuse, glabrous, thickly coriaceous leaves that blooms in the spring and fall on a thin, .2" [.5 cm] long, single flowered inflorescence.

Synonyms Mediocalcar crassifolium J.J.Sm. 1913; Mediocalcar pygmaeum var. altigenum Schltr. 1911; Mediocalcar sigmoideum Schltr. 1911

References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; *Orchidaceae of German New Guinea Schlechter 1911 drawing fide; Orchidaceae of German New Guinea Schlechter 1911 as Mediocalcar uniflorum var. orientale; Malesian Orchid Journal Vol 20 2017 photo fide;
