Microcoelia moreauae L.Jonss. 1981 Photo by © Lourens Grobler

Part shade WarmCoolEarlySpring

Common Name Moureau's Microcoelia [Mrs Winifred Moreau current]

Flower Size .1" [4 mm]

Found in Kenya, Tanzania and Zimbabwe in seasonally dry montane forests on twigs of trees and bushes at elevations of 670 to 1800 meters as a mini-miniature sized, warm to cool growing, twig epiphtye with silver grey roots radiating from a short stem that blooms in the early spring on up to 4, light green, flexuous, angular, .8 to 1.2" [2 to 3 cm] long, to 8 flowered inflorescence with ovate, acute to subacute, single nerved, non-sheathing floral bracts and carrying to 4 simultaneously opening flowers.

This species and M smithii have often been confused. This species has an angular rhachis, no sheathing bracts and more obtuse petals and a geniculately curved spur. This species also occurs at much higher elevations in much more humid habitat.


References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; *A Monograph of the Genus Microcoelia [Orchidaceae] Jonsson 1981 drawing; Malawi Orchids Vol 1 La Croix 1983 drawing good; Flora of Tropical East Africa Orchidaceae Part 3 Cribb 1989; Orchids of Kenya Stewart 1996 photo good; Flora Zambesiaca Vol 11 Orchidaceae Part 2 Pope 1998; Angraecoid Orchids Stewart, Hermans and Campbell 2006 photo fide
