Disa cernua [Thunb.] Sw. 1800 SECTION Monadenia

Plant and Flowers in situ South Africa

Photos courtesy of © Swiss Orchid Foundation at the Herbarium Jany Renz and their Website

Common Name The Overhanging Disa

Flower Size 3/4" [2 cm]

Found only in southwestern South Africa in damp areas in full sun at elevations of sea-level to 400 meters as a small sized, cool growing terrestrial with linear-lanceolate leaves that flowers in the spring on an erect, terminal, 4 to 10" [10 to 25 cm] long, sub-densely many flowered inflorescence.

Synonyms Disa physodes Thunb. 1807; Disa prasinata Ker Gawl. 1817; Monadenia cernua (Thunb.) T. Durand & Schinz 1895; Monadenia inflata Sond. 1846; Monadenia prasinata Lindl. 1838; *Satyrium cernuum Thunb. 1794

References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Wild Orchids of Southern Africa Stewart, Linder, Schelpe & Hall 1982 as Monadenia cernua photo fide; Orchids of Southern Africa Linder & Kurzweil 1999 photo fide; The Cape Orchids Vol 2 Liltved & Johnson 2012 photos fide;

