Nemaconia graminifolia Knowles & Westc. 1838 Photo by Greenwood and The Herbario AMO Website

Part shade Cool winter

Common Name The Grass-Like Leafed Nemaconia

Flower Size .4" [1 cm]

Found from Mexico, Honduras and Nicaragua at elevations around 1200 to 1400 meters as a medium sized, cool growing epiphyte with erect, branching, reed-like, terete stems carrying leafy above, distichous, linear-lanceolate, acuminate, obliquely bidenticulate leaves that blooms in the winter on a terminal or at the nodes of defoliated stems, short, paniculate, single to few flowered inflorescence with amplexicaul, ovate, verrucose floral bracts.

Synonyms Ponera graminifolia (Knowles & Westc.) Lindl. 1839; Ponera subquadrilabia Correll 1941

References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Icones Planetarum Tropicarum Plate 1137 Hamer 1984 as Ponera subquadrilabia drawing fide; ORQUIDEA (MEX.) 12(1). JULIO 1990 as Ponera graminifolia drawing/photo fide

