Oberonia myosurus (Sw.) Lindl. 1830 Photo by Orchid photo Website

Full shade WarmSummer

Common Name The Mouse-Tail Like Oberonia [refers to the overall appearance of the infloresence

Flower Size small

Found in the western Himalayas, Chinese Himalayas, Nepal, Thailand, Myanamar and Vietnam at elevations of 950 to 1600 meters as a miniature sized, warm growing epiphyte with radical, linear, terete to subterete, fleshy, elongate, slightly curved leaves that blooms in the summer on an axillary, densely flowered inflorescence with lanceolate, denticulate floral bracts that are longer than the flowers

CAUTION I have no way of verifying this determination so use with caution.

Synonyms *Dendrobium myosurus Sw.1799; Iridorchis myosurus (Lindl.) Kuntze 1891; Malaxis myosurus (Lindl.) E.C.Parish & Rchb.f. 1874

References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Dansk Botanisk Arkiv Bind 33 #1 Orchid Genera in Thailand VII Oberonia & Malaxis Seidenfaden 1978 drawing Orchid Monographs Vol 4 Ansari & Balakrishnan 1990 drawing fide; Orchids of Kumaun Himalayas Pangtey, Samant and Rawat 1991; A field Guide to the Wild Orchids of Thailand Vaddhanaphuti 2005 photo good; Orchids of India A Glimpse Misra 2007 drawing ok;

