Odontoglossum llanachagaense D.E.Benn. & Christenson 2001

TYPE Drawing by © Alcantara, Bennett & Christenson

Part Shade Cool Cold Summer

Common Name The LLanchanga Odontoglossum [Refers to the location near where the type was discovered]

Flower Size .8" [2 cm]

Found in Pasco department of Peru in wet lower levels of cloud forests at elevations around 1900 to 2100 meters as a small sized, cool to cold growing ascending epiphyte with an ascending rhizome giving rise to narrowly ovoid, lightly compressed, sulcate pseudobulbs subtended by several, articulated, distichous, imbricate sheaths and carrying a single, linear, acumiante, basally conduplicate into the base leaf that blooms in the summer on an erect, peduncle slender, terete, with several, distant, narrow, triangular bracts, subequal to the leaves, 4 to 5.6" [10 to 14 cm] long, 3 to 4 flowered inflorescence with ovate-triangular floral bracts and carrying widely opening flwoers with the tepals greenish yellow with brownish tints, a greenish yellow lip, a pale green column with light yellow in the center with a few purple markings, and a cream yellow anther.

Synonyms Dasyglossum llanachagaense (D.E.Benn. & Christenson) Königer 2010; Oncidium llanachagaense (D.E.Benn. & Christenson) M.W.Chase & N.H.Williams 2008; Trigonochilum llanachagaense (D.E.Benn. & Christenson) Senghas 2003

References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; *Icones Orchidacearum Peruviarum Plate 729 Bennett & Christenson 1998 drawing fide; AOS Bulletin Vol 77 No 12 2008 as Oncidium llanachagaense; LANKESTERIANA 14(1) 2014

