Oncidium hydrophilum Barb.Rodr. 1877 SECTION Synsepala
Photo by © Americo Docha Neto © and the Orchidstudium website
Oncidium hydrophilum var immaculatum
Photo by © L C Menezes
Common Name The Moisture Loving Oncidium
Flower Size .8 to 1.2" [2 to 3 cm]
Found in Bahia, Tocantins, Goias, Minas Gerais, Espirito Santo, Rio de Janiero , Sao Paulo, Parana, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul states of Brazil in swamps and swampy grasslands at elevations around 50 to 1250 meters as a medium to large sized, warm to cool growing epiphyte with smooth, ovoid dark green pseudobulbs enveloped basally in youth by papery sheaths and carrying 2 leathery, strap-shaped, erect, dark green leaves that blooms in the late spring and early summer on an erect, paniculate, to 79" [to 200 cm] long, many flowered inflorescence held up by the surrounding grass, scrub and bush and carrying the flowers towards the apex.
Synonyms Ampliglossum hydrophilum (Barb.Rodr.) Campacci 2006; Coppensia hydrophila (Barb.Rodr.) Campacci 2006; Gomesa hydrophila (Barb.Rodr.) M.W.Chase & N.H.Williams 2009; Oncidium hydrophilum f. immaculatum (L.C.Menezes) Christenson 1996; Oncidium hydrophilum var. immaculatum L.C.Menezes 1991
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Das Pflanzanreich Regni Vegetabilis Conspectus Odontoglossum/Oncidium Kranzlin 1922; Iconografia de Orchidaceae Do Brasil Hoehne 1949 drawing good; Orchidaceae Brasilenses Band 2 Pabst & Dungs 1977 drawing fide; Orchid Digest Vol 44 No 4 1980 photo ok; Orchid Digest Vol 47 No 4 1983 photo fide; Schlechteriana Vol 2 No 2 1991 as O hydrophilum var immaculatum photo fide; Orchids of the High Mountain Atlantic Rainforest in SE Brazil Warren & Miller 1994; Oncidium Vol 1 Koniger 2004 photo/drawing fide; Orchids of The Brazilian Central Plateau Menezes 2004 photo fide; Orchid Species Culture Odontoglossum/Oncidium Alliance Bakers 2006; AOS Bulletin Vol 76 No 8 2007 as Coppensia hydrophila; Orchids of Brazil Vol 1 Oncidinae Baptista, Harding & Neto 2011 as Coppensia hydrophila photo fide