Phreatia plantaginifolia (J.König) Ormerod 1995

Flower Closeup

Plant and Flower

Photos by © Dr. E.F. de Vogel, Jaap Vermeulen and André Schuiteman and Their Netherlands National Herbarium Website

Full shade Warm CoolFall

Common Name or Meaning The Plantago-Like Phreatia

Flower Size .1" [2mm]

Found in Andaman Islands, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, Borneo, Java, Malaya, Moluccas, the Philippines, Sulaewsi and Sumatra in lowland swamp forests and on limestone hills at elevations of 600 to 2000 meters as a miniature sized, warm to cool growing epiphyte with 5 to 9, arranged in a loose fan-shape, almost terete, v-channeled above, acute leaves that blooms in the fall on a .8" [2 cm] long, many flowered inflorescence

CAUTION I am not sure of this determination so please use with caution!

Synonyms Cymbidium plantaginifolium (J.König) Willd. 1805; Dendrolirium secundum Blume 1825; *Epidendrum plantaginifolium J.König in A.J.Retzius 1791; Eria microtidis (Lindl.) Rchb.f. 1868; Eria minutiflora (Lindl.) Rchb.f 1868; Eria secunda (Blume) Rchb.f. 1857; Phreatia microtidis Lindl. 1859; Phreatia minutiflora Lindl. 1859; Phreatia secunda (Blume) Lindl. 1830

References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Studies in the Family Orchidaceae Fascile 2 Ames 1908 as P minutiflora ; Orchids of Java Wood 1990; The Orchids of Penninsular Malaysia and Singapore Wood & Seidenfaden 1992 as Phreatia secunda; Orchids of Sumatra Comber 2001 photo ok; Orchids of Sumatra Comber 2001 as Syn to P plantaginifolia; Orchids of Sarawak Beaman, Wood & Beaman etal 2001; Orchids of Penninsular Malaysia Ong, O'Byrne, Yong & Saw 2011 photo fide Lindleyana Vol 17 No 1 2002; Flora Malesiana Orchids of the Philippines Vol I Agoo, Shuiteman and de Vogel 2003; Orchids of India A Glimpse Misra 2007; The Orchids of Mount Kinabalu Vol 2 Wood, Beaman, Lamb, Chu Lun and Beaman 2011 photo not
