Platystele repens (Ames) Garay 1974
Photo by J & L Orchids and their J & L Orchids Website
Drawing by Carl Luer.
Common Name The Creeping Platystele [refers to the habit of the plant]
Flower Size .24" [6 mm]
Found in Mexico, Belize and Guatemala in lowland forests at elevations of 300 to 1000 meters as a mini-miniature sized, hot to warm growing epiphyte with suberect, ascending, slender ramicauls enveloped by 2 to 3, thin, tubular sheaths and carrying a single, apical, erect, coriaceous, narrowly elliptic-obovate, subacute to obtuse, gradually narrowing below into the indistinct petiolate base leaf that blooms in the summer and fall on an erect, subdense, .8" [2 cm] long including the .4 to .6" [1 to 1.5 cm] long peduncle, successively few flowered inflorecescence arising laterally from the ramicaul and has a thin, shorter than the pedicel floral bract.
"Readily identified by the repent habit, narrow, erect leaves up to 1.6" [4 cm] long, and a shorter, successively few flowered inflorescecnce. The yellow flower is relatively large with obtuse, glabrous sepals and an ovate, suberect lip." Luer 1990
Synonyms *Pleurothallis repens Ames 1908; Specklinia repens (Ames) Pridgeon & M.W.Chase 2001
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ;
Orchidaceae 2: 271 Studies in the Family Orchidaceae Fascile 2 Ames 1908 as Pleurothallis repens;
Orchidaceae 3: 24 Studies in the Family Orchidaceae Vol 3 Ames 1908 as Pleurothallis repens
Orchidaceae 3: 24 Studies in the Family Orchidaceae Vol 3 Ames 1908 as Pleurothallis repens drawing fide;
Orchids of Guatemala and Belize Ames & Correll 1952 as Pleurothallis repens;
* Orquideologia 9: 120 Garay 1974;
Icones Pleurothallidinarum Vol VII Systematics of Platystele Luer 1990
Icones Pleurothallidinarum Vol VII Systematics of Platystele Luer 1990 drawing fide;
Lindleyana 16: 259 Pridgeon & M.W.Chase 2001 as Specklinia repens;
Icones Orchidacearum 5-6 Plate 639 Hagsater & Soto 2002 drawing fide;
AOS Bulletin Vol 73 No 7 2004 photo good;
A Compendium Of Miniature Orchid Species Vol 2 Parsons & Gerritsen 2013 photo good;
Orchid Genera and Species in Guatemala Archila, Szlachchetko, Chiron, Lipinska, Mystkowska and Bertolini 2018 photo fide