Platanthera tipuloides (L.f.) Lindl. 1835
Plant and Flowers in situ Japan
Photos by Takato NATSU from Japan and his Japan Orchids Page
Common Name The Spider-Like Platanthera - In Japan - Hosoba-no-kiso-chidori or Kobano-tomboso - in USA - Aluetian Bog Orchid - In China Tong Ju She Chun Lan
Flower Size .3" [.9 cm]
Found in eastern Siberia, Aluetians, Japan, Korea and China in dense forests on slopes, and forest margins along valleys a elevations of 700 to 1700 meters as a small to medium sized, cold growing terrestrial with a tuberous, narrowly fusiform to cylindric, elongate rootstock giving rise to a slender stem with a basal, tubular sheaths and carrying a single, oblong elliptic, obtuse, basally clasping leaf that blooms in the late spring through mid summer on a slender, 2.4 to 4.8" [6 to 12 cm] long, sparsely many flowered inflorescence with 2 to 3, foliaceous, ovate-lanceolate bracts and narrrowly lanceolate, basalones exceeding the ovary floral bracts carrying fragrant flowers.
Synonyms Gymnadenia keiskei (Miq.) Franch. & Sav. 1878; Habenaria behringiana (Rydb.) Ames 1910; Habenaria keiskei Miq. 1866; Habenaria tipuloides (L.f.) Benth. 1881; Limnorchis behringiana Rydb.1901; Orchis gracilis Fisch. ex Lindl. 1835; *Orchis tipuloides L.f. 1782; Perularia whangshanensis S.S.Chien 1931; Platanthera behringiana (Rydb.) Tatew. & Kobayashi 1934; Platanthera keiskei (Miq.) Franch. & Sav. 1877; Platanthera mandarinorum var. oreades (Franch. & Sav.) T.Hashim. 1987; Platanthera matsumurana Schltr. 1906; Platanthera nipponica Makino 1902; Platanthera oreades Franch. & Sav. 1878; Platanthera sororia Schltr. 1906; Platanthera tipuloides f. nipponica (Makino) M.Hiroe 1971; Platanthera tipuloides subsp. linearifolia (Ohwi) K.Inoue 1982; Platanthera tipuloides subsp. nipponica (Makino) Murata 1966; Platanthera tipuloides var. behringiana (Rydb.) Hultén 1968; Platanthera tipuloides var. linearifolia Ohwi 1953; Platanthera tipuloides var. nipponica (Makino) Ohwi 1953; Platanthera tipuloides var. sibirica Regel 1861; Platanthera tipuloides var. sororia (Schltr.) Soó 1929; Tipularia camtschatica Spreng. 1826; Tipularia tipuloides (L.f.) Druce 1917; Tulotis whangshanensis (S.S.Chien) Hara 1955
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Studies in the Family Orchidaceae Vol 4 Ames 1910 as Habenaria behringiana drawing fide; Native Orchids of North America Correll 1950 as Habenaria behringiana drawing fide; Encyclopedia of Cultivated Orchids Hawkes 1965 as P nippoica; Orchids of Southern Ryukyu Islands Garay & Sweet 1974; Native Orchids of North America Correll 1950; The Native Orchids of the United States and Canada Luer 1975 drawing/photos fide; Native Orchids of China in Colour Singchi, Zhanhuo and Yibo 1999 photo fide; A Field Guide to the Orchids of China Singchi, Zhongjian, Yibo, Xiaohua and Zhanhuo 2009 photo ok; Flora of China Vol 25 Zhengyi, Raven & Deyuan 2009; Flora of China Vol 25 Illustrations Zhengyi, Raven & Deyuan 2010 drawing ok
Platanthera tipuloides var. behringiana (Rydb.) Hultén 1967 publ. 1968
Flower Closeup Photos by Carl Luer
Common Name The Behring Island Platanthera
Found in the Aleutian Islands in treeless, foggyheaths in moss covered ground as a small sized, cold growing terrestrial with a single, sometimes 2, sub-basal, elliptic-lanceolate, light green, basally clasping leaves with 1 to 2, lanceolate, foliaceous bracts above that blooms in the summer on an erect, spicate, to 20 flowered inflorescence with lanceolate, , slightly longer than the ovary floral bracts.
Synonyms Habenaria behringiana (Rydb.) Ames 1910; *Limnorchis behringiana Rydb.1901; Platanthera behringiana (Rydb.) Tatew. & Kobayashi 1934;
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Studies in the Family Orchidaceae Vol 4 Ames 1910 as Habenaria behringiana drawing fide; Native Orchids of North America Correll 1950 as Habenaria behringiana drawing fide; Native Orchids of North America Correll 1950; The Native Orchids of the United States and Canada Luer 1975 drawing/photos fide;