Pleurothallis baccata (Luer) J.M.H.Shaw 2014 SUBGENUS Pleurothallis SECTION Truncatae Luer 1986
TYPE Drawing of Acronia baccata by © Carl Luer and Selbyana 30: 2 Luer & Escobar 2009 Common Name The Set With Pearls Pleurothallis [an allusion to the tiny, round flowers strung along the inflorescence]
Flower Size .08" [2 mm]
Found in Valle de Cauca department of Colombia at elevations around 2130 meters as a mini-miniature to small sized, cold growing, caespitose epiphyte with erect but weak, very slender ramicauls enveloped by thin tubular sheaths near the middle and at the base and carrying a single, apical, coriaceous, erect, narrowly ovate, attenuate, acute, shallowly cordate below into the sessile base leaf that blooms in the late summer and early fall on an erect, from beneath the leaf, arising through a narrow spathe, peduncle filiform, .4" [1 cm] long, rachis 1.2 to 1.4" [3 to 3.5 cm] long, simultaneously several flowered inflorescence with shorter than the pedicel floral bracts.
"This species seems most closely
allied to the old, familiar Pleurothallis truncata
. The
raceme of small, suborbicular flowers shorter
than the leaf; a deeply concave dorsal sepal and
synsepal; large, fleshy petals; and a small, sub-orbicular lip with erect, rounded sides are common to both ." Luer & Hirtz 2009
Synonyms *Acronia baccata Luer
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ;
Selbyana 30: 2 Luer & Escobar 2009 as Acronia baccata Drawing fide;