Pleurothallis neotapantiensis [Mel.Fernández & Bogarín] in ed. SUBGENUS Specklinia SECTION Muscariae Luer 1986
TYPE Drawing
Photo by Mel.Fernández & Diego Bogarín * Pupulin/TYPE Drawing by Mel.Fernández and Webbia 1:65-70 _A new Muscarella (Orchidaceae:
Pleurothallidinae) from Tapantí National Park,
Costa Rica Fernández, Bogarín & Franco Pupulin 2021 Common Name The New Tapanti National Park Pleurothallis
Flower Size .12" [3 mm]
Found in Cartago province of Costa Rica on mossy
twigs in riparian, premontane forests at elevations around 1000 to 1330 meters as a mini-miniature sized, cool growing, caespitose epiphyte with slender, erect ramicauls enclosed by 2 thin, tubular sheaths becoming papyraceous with age and carrying a single, apical, erect, oblong-elliptic, subacute to
obtuse, thick, coriaceous, conduplicate, abaxially cuneate, , the narrowing below into a petiolate base leaf that blooms in the fall, winter and spring on an erect, peduncle filiform, to
.68" [1.7 cm] long, arising laterally from the ramicaul, rachis to .92" [2.3 cm]long, as long as or exceeding the leaves, loose, flexuous,
successively single to 6 flowered inflorescence with tubular, acute, much shorter than the pedicel floral bracts.
"Pleurothallis neotapantiensis most resembles P coeloglossa Luer and Hirtz but differs from it by the longer
pedicels .12 to .2" vs .04 to .08" (3 to 5 mm in M. neotapantiensis vs. 1 to 2 mm), the
shorter .1 to .112" vs .15" (2.5-2.8 vs. 3.75 mm), connate (vs. free) lateral
sepals, and the lip with triangular (vs. broadly rounded)
lower lateral lobes. The Ecuadorian P xanthella also resembles P neotapantiensis, mostly
because of the more or less elliptic leaves and the small
pinkish flowers with concave, translucid sepals. Nevertheless, P xanthella produces a fasciculous-like inflorescence with pedicels congested at the apex of
the peduncle, different from the successively flowered
raceme with alternate pedicels of P neotapantiensis. When
looking closer to the flower, the lacerate petals of P xanthella differ from the deeply fimbriate ones
of P neotapantiensis, and the lip is thick, rounded with
densely verrucose lateral lobes. In contrast, P neotapantiensis bears thinner, triangular lobes at the base
and is papillose mostly at the base" Fernández, Bogarín & Franco Pupulin 2021
Synonyms Andreettaea tapantiensis (Mel.Fernández & Bogarín) A.Doucette
First published in Internet Orchid Sp. Photo Encycl. Nomencl. Notes 8(1): 8 Doucette 2022; *Muscarella tapantiensis Mel.Fernández & Bogarín 2021
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ;
Internet Orchid Sp. Photo Encycl. Nomencl. Notes 8(1): 8 Doucette 2022 as Andreettaea tanpatiensis