Nemaconia glomerata (Correll) Van den Berg, Salazar & Soto Arenas 2007
Photo by © Moises Behar
Photo by Noble Bashor
Common Name The Ball Nemaconia [refers to the ball shaped inflorescence]
Flower Size .6" [1.5 cm]
Oaxaca Mx., 1675m elev., Puerto Angel rd, epiphytic on oaks.
Found from Mexico, Guatemala, and El Salvador in wet montane forest, pine/oak/liquidambar foretst and in evergreen cloud forests as an epiphytic, sometimes rupicolous, small sized, cool to cold growing orchid that occurs at elevations of 1200 to 2300 meters with robust, thick stems enveloped completely by several, tubular sheaths that become leaf-bearing towards the apex and carrying a few, clear green, disitchous, linear, obliquely retuse and bilobed apically, conduplicate below into the base leaves and blooms in the spring on a terminal, short, racemose, glomerate, held close to the leaf inflorescence that has a few flowers that open in succession.
Synonyms *Ponera glomerata Correll 1941
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI Las Orquideas De El Salvador Vol 3 Hamer 1981 as ponera glomerata drawing/photo fide; ORQUIDEA (MEX.) 12(1). JULIO 1990 as Ponera glomerata drawing/photo fide; Guatemala Y Sus Orquideas Behar & Tinschert 1998 as Ponera glomerata photo fide; Icones Orchidacearum 5 - 6 Orchids of Mexico Part 2 - 3 Plate 644 Hagsater & Soto 2002 drawing ok; Guia de Orquideas de Chiapas Carlos Rommel Beutelspacher Baigts 2013 photo hmm; Orchid Genera and Species in Guatemala Archila, Szlachchetko, Chiron, Lipinska, Mystkowska and Bertolini 2018