Porroglossum josei Luer 1995 SUBGENUS Porroglossum SECTION Porroglossum
Photo courtesy of © Lourens Grobler
Another View with triggered lip
Photo by © Eric Hunt
TYPE Drawing by Carl Luer
Common Name Jose's Porroglossum [Jose Portillo Ecuadorian Orchid Collector]
Flower Size .6" [1.5 cm]
Found in Esmeraldas province of Ecuador at elevations around 1000 meters as a mini-miniature sized, warm to cool growing epiphyte with erect, slender ramicauls enveloped basally by 2 to 3 tubular sheaths and carrying a single, apical, erect, coriaceous, verrucose, elliptical, obtuse, cuneate below into the petiolate base leaf that blooms at most any time of the year on a congested, arising from low on the ramicaul, peduncle slender, glabrous, 3.2 to 4" [8 to 10 cm] long, provided with a few widely spaced bracts, successively few, single flowered, racemose inflorescence with tubular, shorter than the pedicel floral bracts and with untwisted ovaries.
"Distinguished by the large, resupinate, rose colored flower. Most conspicuous is the very large, transverse, dorsal sepal with a minute tail. The smaller lateral sepals form a concave synsepal with an acute mentum below the column foot and terminate with relatively thick, recurved tails. The petals are sharply angled on both margins below the middle and the apex is subclavate. The blade of the lip is obovate, shallowly concave and broadly rounded at the apex." Luer 1995
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; * Icones Pleurothallidinarum Vol XII Systematics of Brachionidium 1995 pg 144 drawing fide; AOS Bulletin Vol 70 No 1 2001 photo fide; Native Ecuadorian Orchids Vol 4 Dodson 2003 photo fide; Australian Orchid Review Vol 69 No 4 2004 photo; Orchid Digest Vol 70 #1 2006 photo fide; AOS Bulletin Vol 78 #4 2009 photo fide; Orchids Masdevallia with its segregates including Dracula Zelenko 2014 photo fide; Pleurothallids Neotropical Jewels Vol 1 Karremans & Viera 2020 photo fide