Rossioglossum schlieperianum (Rchb. f.) Garay & G.C. Kenn. 1976
Photo by Jesus Cid
Common Name Schlieper's Rossioglossum [German Orchid Enthusiast late 1800's]
Flower Size 3 3/5" [9 cm]
Found in El Salvador, Honduras, Costa Rica and Panama in moderate shade in humid, evergreen cloud forests in moderate shade on trunks of very tall trees at elevations of 1200 to 2800 meters as a medium sized, warm to cold growing epiphyte with grayish green, biconvex, lightly sulcate, ovoid to obovoid pseudobulbs partially enveloped basally by several , distichous, imbricating, triangular, short-lasting, leafless sheaths with a sometimes emarginate apex and carrying 2 deep gray-green, subcoriaceous, carinate abaxially, elliptic-oblanceolate, acute, tapering below into the conduplicate,narrow, short, petiole-like base leaves that blooms in the spring and summer on a lateral, racemose, 10 to 16" [25 to 40 cm] long, few to several [3 to 8] flowered inflorescence arising on a developing pseudobulb through the sheath axil.
Synonyms Odontoglossum grande-pallidum Klotzsch ex Rchb.f. 1865; Odontoglossum powellii Schltr. 1922; *Odontoglossum schlieperianum Rchb. f. 1865; Odontoglossum schlieperianum var. flavidum Rchb.f. 1883; Rossioglossum powellii (Schltr.) Garay & G.C.Kenn 1976; Rossioglossum schlieperianum f. flavidum (Rchb.f.) Pupulin 2001; Rossioglossum schlieperianum var. flavidum (Rchb.f.) Garay & G.C.Kenn. 1976;
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Lankester's Epidendra Website CR; Xenia Orchidaceae vol 2 Rchb.f 1867 as Odontoglossum schlieperianum drawing fide; Die Orchideen Schlechter 1915 as Odontoglossum schlieperianum; Atlas des Orchidees Cultivees Constantin 1920 as Odontoglossum schlieperianum drawing fide; Repert. Sp. Nov. Regni. Veg. Beih. 17: 78. Panama Schlechter 1922 as Odontoglossum powellii; Repert. Sp. Nov. Regni. Veg. Beih. 19: 63. Costa Rica Schlechter 1923 as Odontoglossum schlieperianum; Repert. Sp. Nov. Regni. Veg. Beih. 19: 147. Costa Rica Schlechter 1923 as Odontoglossum schlieperianum; The Orchids of Panama L.O. Williams & P Allen 1946 as Odontoglossum schlieperianum drawing fide; AOS Bulletin Vol 33 No 11 1964 as Odontoglossum schliperianum photo fide; Encyclopedia of Cultivated Orchids Hawkes 1965 as Odontoglossum schlieperianum; AOS Bulletin Vol 36 #4 1967 as Odontoglossum schlieperianum; AOS Bulletin Vol 38 #7 1969 as Odontoglossum schlieperianum postage stamp fide; AOS Bulletin Vol 47 #8 1978 as Odontoglossum schlieperianum photo fide; AOS Bulletin Vol 49 No 8 1980 as Odontoglossum schlieperianum photo fide; ORQUIDEA (Méx . ) 8(2) MARZO 1982 drawing/photo fide; The Manual Of Cultivated Orchid Species Bechtel, Cribb & Launert 1992 photo fide; Icones Planetarum Tropicarum Plate 1579 Atwood 1993 drawing fide; Rudolf Schlechter Die Orchideen Band 1C lieferung 33 - 36 2057 - 2308 Brieger 1997 drawing/photo fide; Rudolf Schlechter Die Orchideen Band 1C lieferung 33 - 36 2057 - 2308 Brieger 1997 as R powellii; Fieldiana Biology, Flora Costa Ricensis Family # 39 Orchidaceae, subtribes Maxillariinae and Oncidiinae Atwood & Mora 1999 drawing fide; Manual de Plantas de Costa Rica Vol 3 Hammel, Grayum, Herrera and Zamora 2003 drawing fide; The Pictoral Encyclopedia of Oncidium Zelenko 2005; Vanishing Beauty, Native Costa Rican Orchids Vol 1 Pupulin 2005 photo fide; Vanishing Beauty, Native Costa Rican Orchids Vol 1 Pupulin 2005 photo fide; Orchid Species Culture: Oncidium, Bakers 2006; AOS Bulletin Vol 77 No 12 2008 photo fide; AOS Bulletin Vol 78 No 5 2009 as R schlieperianum f flavidum photo fide; Algunas Orquideas De Mexico Tomo 1 Suarez 2012 photo fide; Orchid Genera and Species in Guatemala Archila, Szlachchetko, Chiron, Lipinska, Mystkowska and Bertolini 2018; Lankesteriana 19(1). 31 - 55 2019 photo fide
Rossioglossum schlieperianum var. flavidum (Rchb. f.) Garay & G.C. Kenn. 1976
Inflorescence Photo by © Eric Hunt and His Orchid Website
This variety is pure yellow while the standard is yellow with reddish brown barring.
Synonyms *Odontoglossum schlieperianum var. flavidum Rchb. f. 1883; Rossioglossum schlieperianum fo. flavidum (Rchb. f.) Pupulin 2002;
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , Lankester's Epidendra Website CR ; Manual de Plantas de Costa Rica Vol 3 Hammel, Grayum, Herrera and Zamora 2003 as R schlieperianum f flavida;