Serapias vomeracea [Burm.f.]Briq. 1910 SECTION Bilamellaria SUBSECTION Mediopetalae Photo courtesy of Jeff Aguillon.


S vomeracea Group

Common Name The Plow-Share Serapias - The Long Lipped Serapias

Flower Size 1 1/4" [3 cm]

Found in Italy, Sicily, Yugoslavia, Albania, and Greece as a small to medium sized, cold to cool growing terrestrial occuring in dry or wet grasslands, scrub and light pine forests at elevations of sealevel to 1000 meters with a robust stem carrying 4 to 7,erect, sometimes curved, linear-lanceolate, channelled-keeled, acute leaves that blooms on an erect, terminal, 6 to 20" [15 to 50 cm] long, laxly few to several [3 to 12] flowered inflorescence, that has large bracts that almost cover the flowers which occur in the late spring.

Synonyms Helleborine longipetala Ten. 1811; Helleborine pseudocordigera Sebast. 1813; Lonchitis longipetala Bubani 1901; Orchis lingua All., Fl. Pedem. 2: 148 (1785; *Orchis vomeracea Burm. f. 1770; Serapias cordigera subsp. vomeracea (Burm.f.) H.Sund. 1980; Serapias cordigera var. longipetala Bertol. 1804; Serapias hellenica Renz; Serapias hirsuta Lapeyr. 1813; Serapias lancifera St.-Amans 1821; Serapias longipetala (Ten.) Pollini 1824; *Serapias parviflora subsp. laxiflora Soó; Serapias pseudocordigera (Sebast.) Moric. 1820; Serapias vomeracea f. platyglottis Vierh. 1916; Serapias vomeracea f. platypetala Vierh. 1916; Serapias vomeracea f. stenopetala Vierh. 1916; Serapias vomeracea lusus heldreichii Soó 1927; Serapias vomeracea subsp. flava Balayer 1986; Serapias vomeracea subsp. guadarramica Kreutz 2010 publ. 2011; Serapias vomeracea subsp. longipetala (Ten.) H.Baumann & Künkele, Mitt 1989; Serapias vomeracea var. cordigeroides (E.Nelson) N.R.Campb. & A.K.Campb. 1986; Serapias vomeracea var. longipetala (Ten.) Kreutz 2006; Serapiastrum longipetalum (Ten.) A.A.Eaton 1908; Serapiastrum vomeraceum (Burm.f.) Schinz & Thell. 1913

References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Die Orchideen Schlechter 1915 as S longipetala; AOS Bulletin Vol 31 No 8 1962; Encyclopedia of Cultivated Orchids Hawkes 1965 as S longipetala; AOS Bulletin Vol 38 No 9 1969 as S pseudocordigera; Rudolf Schlechter Die Orchideen 3 Auflage Bd 1 Sonderabdruck aus Schlechter Lieferung 4 193 to 256 Brieger, Maatsch and Senghas 1973 photo fide; AOS Bulletin Vol 53 No 2 1984 photo; Rudolf Schlechter Die Orchideen Band 1C lieferung 40 pg 2492 - 2564 Brieger 2000; Orchids of Europe, North Africa and the Middle East Delforge 2005

