!Sertifera purpurea Lindl. & Rchb.f. 1876 SECTION Sertifera Szlach & Baranow

Photo by © Alex Reynolds and the ORCHIDS of MAQUIPUCUNA Website



Drawings by © P Baranow/Oledrzynska 2023

Common Name The Purple Sertifera

Flower Size .2" [5 mm]

Found in Venezuela, Antioquia, Bolivar, Caldas, Caqueta, Choco, Risaralda, Cundinamarca, Huila, Valle de Cauca, Narñio and Putumayo departments of Colombia, Carchi, Chimborazo, Morona-Santiago, Napo, Pichincha, Tungarahua, Ecuador and Peru on embankments in cloud forests at elevtions of 1800 to 3000 meters as a small to medium sized, cool to cold growing terrestrial with elongate, flexuous, pubescent roots giving rise to erect, smooth, terete, more or less sinuously flexuous stems enveloped completely by close fitting, dark greeny puce, verrucose, tubular sheaths and carrying several, lightly plicate, fairly stiff, midnerve slightly sulcate, attenuate and downturned apically, sharply mucronate, hard and erose marginally, lightly rugose, dark green above, smooth, lighter and with maroon nerved leaves that blooms at any time of the year on an axillary, 1.2" [3 cm] long, strongly compressed, 3 to 8 flowered inflorescence with narrow, rugose floral bracts.

A robust species more than 3'4" [1 meter] tall that has purplish flowers with white tips of the lip and petals.


References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ;

* Linnaea 41: 64 Lindl & Rchb.f 1876;

Die Orchideen Schlechter 1915; Flora of Ecuador No 9 225[1] Garay 1978;

Venezuelan Orchids Illustrated Vol 5 Dunsterville and Gray 1966 drawing;

Flor de Venezuela Volumen XV Parte 1 Foldats 1969 drawing fide;

Die Orchideen lieferung #13 753 - 816 Bulbophyllinae Brieger 1983 photo plant only;

Native Ecuadorian Orchids Vol 5 Dodson 2004 drawing/photo fide;

Orquideologia Vol 24 #1 2005 photo fide;

Icones Orchidacearum 13 Plate 1360 Hagsater & Dodson 2010 as Sertifera lehmanniana See Recognition section;

AOS Bulletin Vol 85 #10 2016 drawing/photo fide;

Materials to the Orchid Flora of Colombia Vol IV:196 Szlatchetko & Kolanowska 2023 drawing fide

