Laelia pabstii (F.E.L.Miranda & K.G.Lacerda) in ed
Photo by © Arnold Gum, 2013 >
Photo by © Miranda Orchid Website
Common Name Pabst's Laelia [Brazilian Botanist 1900's]
Flower Size 1.16" [4.4 cm]
Found in Minas Gerais state of Brazil on horizontal ledge with sand deposits at about 1200 meters elevation as a medium sized, cool growing rupicolus orchid with elongate, 4 to 6 internoded, cylindrical, basally thickened, attenuate towards the apex, light green often suffused in reddish purple pseudobulbs enveloped by tight sheaths and carrying linear-lanceolate, strongly leathery, slightly transversely rugose, lightly boat shaped, slightly reflexed apically, medium green often purple pigmented on the margins and underneath leaves that blooms in the late winter and early spring on a terminal, erect, providede with flattened, linear-oblanceolate, slightly ventricose sheaths, to 24" [to 60 cm] long, successively to 8 flowered inflorescence and triangualar floral bracts.
Synonyms Cattleya pabstii (F.E.L.Miranda & K.G.Lacerda) Van den Berg 2008; Hoffmannseggella pabstii F.E.L.Miranda & K.G.Lacerda 2003; Sophronitis pabstii (F.E.L.Miranda & K.G.Lacerda) Van den Berg 2004;
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ;
AOS Bulletin VOl 72 # 11 2003 as Hoffmannsegella pabstii photo fide;
Kew Bull. 59: 566 Van den Berg & M.W.Chase 2004 as Sophronitis pabstii
Neodiversity 3: 10 Van den Berg 2008 as Cattleya pabstii