Stanhopea marizana Jenny 2003 SUBGENUS Stanhopea SECTION Wardii
Inflorescence Photos Copyrighted © by Isaias Rolando
Common Name Mariza's Stanhopea [Sra Rolando Wife of Orchid Enthusaist]
Flower Size 4.4 to 4.8" [11 to 12 cm]
Found in the department of Cuzco Peru at unknown elevations as a medium sized, warm growing epiphyte with oval, strongly ribbed and furrowed with age pseuedobulbs carrying a single, apical, erect, plicate, coarse and leathery, lanceolate, acute, gradually narrowing below into the channeled, petilolate base leaf that blooms in the late winter and early spring on a pendent, basal, to 6" [to 15 cm] long, 2 to 3 flowered inflorescence enveloped completely by broadly triangualr, acute, large, pread out floral bracts and carrying fragrant flowers..
Originally named S marizaiana but does not conform to latinization so changed to S marizana.
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Caesiana 21 Stanhopea Part 1 Jenny 2003 photo/drawing fide; Las Orquideas del Peru Izerskyy & Bezverhov 2011 photo fide