Stelis corniculata Luer & Hirtz 2004 SECTION Humboldtia
TYPE Drawing by © Carl Luer
Common Name The Little Horned Stelis [refers to the petals and lip]
Flower Size .2" [5 mm]
Found in Carchi and Sucumbios provinces of Ecuador in rainforests at elevations around 2700 to 3200 meters as a miniature sized, cold growing, long-scandent epiphyte with ascending, slender, not prolific ramicauls enveloped by a close, tubular sheath below the middle and another at the base and carrying a single, apical, erect, narrowly elliptical, acute, narrowly cuneate below into the petiolate base leaf that blooms in the later summer and earlier fall on an erect, congested, distichous, to 3.2 to 7.2” [8 to 18 cm] long including the .8 to 1.6" [2 to 4 cm] long peduncle, mostly simultaneously many flowered inflorescence through a slender spathe from an annulus below the apex of the ramicaul with oblique, longer than the ovary floral bracts and carrying nutant flowers variously suffused with red.
"Vegetatively this long repent species is similar to the long-prolific Pointed petaled Stelis pugiunculi and S triseta. It is distinguished by the small alternating, non-resupinate, nutant, more or less orbicular flowers appressed against the rachis. The synsepal is short, deeply and broadly transverse and inflated with incurved sides. The petals have a short, obtuse apiculum on the inner margin of the thick, rounded apex, the lip is shallow and obtuse with a short, acuminate apiculum." luer 2004
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ;
Icones Pleurothallidinarum Vol XXIV Pleurothallis subgenus Acianthera, A Second Century of Stelis of Ecuador Luer 2004 drawing fide;