Stelis inclinata O.Duque 1997 SECTION Humboldtia
TYPE Photo/TYPE Drawing by © Duque and The Epidendra Website
Common Name The Inclined Stelis [refers to the angle of the inflorescence]
Flower Size .8 [2 mm]
Found in Antioquia department of Colombia in cloud forests at elevations around 2000 meters as a miniature sized, cool to cold growing, shortly ascending epiphyte with erect, slender ramicauls enveloped in the middle by a tubular sheath and 1 to 2 others at the base and carrying a single, apical, erect, coriaceous, ligulate, subacute, tridenticulate, narrowing below into the canaliculate petiolate base leaf that blooms on an erect, strict, secund, 4.4" [11 cm] long including the .6" [1.5 cm] peduncle, many flowered inflorescence arising through a thin acute spathe and has infundibular, shortly apiculate, much shorter than the pedicellate ovary floral bracts and carrying yellowish green flowers.
"Like S. inclinata, some of the species of Stelis have nodding flowers, among them S. nutans , S. despectans, S. hymenantha , S. striolata , but they are different from S. inclinata in their habit and in the structure of their flowers. S. inclinata is a medium sized plant, the rhizome shortly scandent, the secondary stems slender, the leaf narrowly ligulate, the raceme distinctive with its nodding flowers." O Duque 1997
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ;
* Orquideología Vol 20 #3 pg 349–351, pl. 11, 4 Duque 1997 drawing/photo fide;
Orchidaceae Stelis Swartz A Compendium Duque 2008 drawing fide;