Stelis micklowii Luer 2018 SECTION Stelis
TYPE Drawing by © Carl Luer and Selbyana 32(1,2): 71 Luer & Vasquez 2018
Common Name Micklow's Stelis [Named for the late Fred M. Micklow who collected and cultivated this species ]
Flower Size .12" [3 mm]
Found Bolivia without locality as a mini-miniature to miniature sized, repent epiphyte with erect, slender ramicauls enveloped by a tubular sheath below the middle and 2 others about the base and carrying a single, apical, erect, coriaceous, elliptical, acute, cuneate below into the base leaf that blooms in the late winter and early spring on 1 to 2, erect, through a spathe from at the apex of the ramicaul, peduncle .6" [1.5 cm] long, 1 to 3.4" [2.5 to 8.5 cm] long, rect, loose, distichous, successively 2 to 3, many flowered inflorescence with oblique, acute, shorter to longer than the ovary floral bracts and carrying light green flowers.
"It is characterized by a stout, repent rhizome, and not remarkable ramicauls and leaves. The very small flowers are borne two or three simultaneously in a loose raceme that becomes gradually longer and more closely flowered as it reaches the limit of the leaf. The sepals are faintly pusticulate, and obtuse and slightly acuminate. The petals are proportionately large, thin and single-veined. The lip is shortly apiculate." Luer & Vasquez 2018
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ;
Selbyana 32(1,2): 71 Luer & Vasquez 2018;
Selbyana 32(1,2): 147 Luer & Vasquez 2018 Drawing fide;