Thrixspermum merguense (Hook. f.) Kuntze 1891 SECTION Dendrocolla
Plant and Flowers Photos by © Jay Pfahl.
Another flower with collection sheet Photo and Drawing by © Peter O'Byrne and The Swiss Orchid Foundation at the Jany Renz Herbaria Website
Common Name The Mergyi Archipelago Thrixspermum [an area in the south of Burma] - In China San Mao Bai Dian Lan
Flower Size .3" [8.5 mm]
Found in Myanmar, Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Taiwan, Java, Sumatra and to the Philippines at elevations around 400 to 750 meters in scrub with bright conditions as a miniature sized, hot to warm growing epiphyte with very small, short stems carrying seven, thick, fleshy, narrowly lanceolate, unequally and obtusely bilobed apically leaves that blooms in the late spring through mid fall on a short to 1" [2.5 cm] long, thin, smooth, axillary inflorescence with floral bracts that are situated at a 90' angle to the rachis and carries a few, succesively opening, short lived flowers occuring in the summer.
Synonyms Ascochilus pulvinatus Guillaumin 1965; Dendrocolla merguensis (Hook.f.) Ridl. 1896; Sarcochilus kusukusensis Hayata 1916; *Sarcochilus merguensis Hook. f. 1890; Thrixspermum bicristatum Ames 1915; Thrixspermum comans J.J.Sm. 1907; Thrixspermum comans var. bicristatum (Ames) L.O.Williams 1938; Thrixspermum kusukusense (Hayata) Schltr. 1919; Thrixspermum merguense (Hook. f.) Seidenf. & Smitin. 1963:
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Icones Plantarum Vol 22 Hooker 1892 as Sarcochilus merguense drawing ok; Orchids of Burma Grant 1895/1995 as Sarcochilus merguensis; The Orchids of Thailand Seidenfaden & Smitinand 1963 drawing fide; Botanisk Tidsskrift Bild 70 Hft 1 Contributions to the flora of Thailand VI Seidenfaden 1975; Opera Botanica #95 Seidenfaden 1988 drawing/photo fide; Die Orchideen lieferung 22 Schlechter/Brieger 1989; Orchids of Java Comber 1990 photo ok; The Orchids of Penninsular Malaysia and Singapore Seidenfaden & Wood 1992 drawing fide; Identification of the Orchids [Orchidaceae Juss.] Vietnam Averyanov 1994; Orchids of Sumatra Comber 2001 photo fide; Flora Malesiana Orchids of the Philippines Vol I Agoo, Shuiteman and de Vogel 2003; A field Guide to the Wild Orchids of Thailand Vaddhanaphuti 2005 photo good; Malesian Orchid Journal Vol 2 2008; The Wild Orchids of the Cameron Highlands REACH 2009 photo not= T breviscapularis; Flora of China Vol 25 Zhengyi, Raven & Deyuan 2009; Wild Orchids of Penninsular Malaysia Ong, O'Byrne, Yong & Saw 2011 photo fide; A to Z of South East Asian Orchid Species Vol 2 O'Byrne 2011 photo fide; The Wild Orchids of Taiwan Liu & Wang 2014 photos fide; Malesian Orchid Journal Vol 15 P.O'Byrne, 2015 photo/drawing fide;