Vanilla ribeiroi Hoehne 1910 SUBGENUS Xanata SECTION Xanata Drawing by © Hoehne and The Plant Illustrations Website
Common Name Ribiero's Vanilla
Flower Size 1.6 to 2" [4 to 5 cm]
Found in southeastern Colombia, Guyana, and Mato Grosso Brazil at lower elevations as a large sized, hot growing, viney epiphyte with an elongate, few branched, scandent stem with adventitious roots opposite the patent to refelexed brilliant intense green above, less so beneath, linear-oblong, acute to abruptly recurved apically, almost sessile base leaves that blooms in the spring on a 1 to 2" [2.5 to 5 cm] long, successively single, 5 to 12 flowered inflorescence.
"This species has white flowers and a lip adorned with conspicuous apical, retrorse, yellow trichomes. The lip covered with hairs is reminiscent of that of the Central V. helleri, which has a more trilobed lip and broader leaves; in V. ribeiroi the leaves are very short and narrow." Soto Arenas & Cribb 2010
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Flora Brasilica Fasc. 8 Vol XII II 13 - 43 Completo Hoehne 1945 drawing fide; Orchidaceae Brasilenses Band 1 Pabst & Dungs 1975 drawing fide; Lankesteriana 9(3): 355-398 Soto Arenas & Cribb 2010