Vrydagzynea triangularis Ormerod & J.J.Wood 2011

TYPE Drawing by © Linda Gurr


Common Name The Triangular Vrydagzynea

Flower Size .1" [2.5 mm]

Found in Sabah Borneo in lower montane forests at elevations around 1400 to 1500 meters as a miniature to small sized, cool growing terrestrial with a creeping rhizome giving rise to an stem carrying 6 to 8, obliquely ovate-elliptic, acute, petioalaet base leaves that blooms in the late spring on a glabrous, semi-globose-oblongoid, peduncle 1.2 to 1.68" [3 to 4.2 cm] long, provided with a single, below the rachis, ovate-elliptic, acute bract, rachis .52 to .8" [1.4 to 2 cm] long, densely 10 to 20 flowered inflorescence with oblong-elliptic, acute, glabrous longer than the ovary floral bracts and carrying glabrous flowers with the sepals greenish, tipped with white and the petals and lip white.


References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; *Orchids of Mount Kinabalu Vol 2:583 Wood, Beaman, Lamb, Chu Lun and Beaman 2011 drawing fide;

