Yoania prainii King & Pantl. 1898

Drawing by © King & Pantling and The Swiss Orchid Foundation at the Jany Renz Herbaria Website

Common Name Prain's Yoania [English Botanist in India 1800's]

Flower Size 1" [2.5 cm]

Found in the eastern Himalayas, Assam and northern Vietnam in primary evergreen, bradleaved forests at elevations of 1300 to 3000 meters as a miniature sized, cool to cold growing mycoheterotrophic terrestrial with a rhizome enveloped by small, imbricating, narrowly lanceolate, acuminate, adpressed sheaths and giving rise to a smooth, pinkish white, 2.8 to 8" [7 to 20 cm] long, stem with distant, broadly ovate, loose, whitish scales that blooms in the spring on an erect, 4 to 6" [10 to 15 cm] long, laxly 1 to 4 flowered inflorescence with ovate to broadly ovate, fleshy, white to pink, concave floral bracts that clasp the pedicel.


References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; The Orchids of Sikkim-Himalaya King & Pantling 1898 drawing fide; Indian Orchids, Guide to Identification and Culture vol 2 Pradhan 1979 drawing fide; Rudolf Schlechter Die Orchideen Band 1B lieferung 25 1520 - 1584 Brieger 1991; Orchidds of Bhutan Pearce & Cribb 2002 drawing fide; Turczaninowia 2011, 14(2) : 15–100 Averyanov 2011 drawing/photo fide
