Zeuxine eryliae Ormerod 2018 A, plant; B, flower; C, flower minus tepals; D, dorsal sepal; E, lateral sepal; F, petal; G, labellum; I, H, column, lateral and ventral
Drawing by Paul Ormerod and The Harvard Papers in Botany, Vol. 23, No. 2, 2018, pp. 269–277 2018 Website
Common NameEryl's Zeuxine [Collector of the type late 1800's ear,ier 1900's]
Flower Size .12" [3 mm]
Found in Thailand in jungle at elevations around 455 meters as a small sized, hot growing terrestrial with an erect, terete, short stem carrying 4 to 5, obliquely lanceoalte, acute, wilteed at blooming in the winter on an erect, pubescent, 14 cm] long, peduncle to 4.4" [11 cm] long, provided with 1 sheathing bract, rachis to 1.2" [3 cm] long, few to 6 flowered inflorescence with ovate-lanceolate, subacuminate, longer than the ovary floral bracts and carrying purplish , externally laxly pubescent flowers.
"This taxon superficially resembles other species that have the leaves wilted at anthesis. It may however be recognized by its small labellum that has an external flange on the hypochile, obtriangular epichile that is only 2 mm wide, and its column bearing narrow, obtuse, thin rostellum brachia. The column of Zeuxine eryliae appears to have a very short basal part due to the disintegration of the clinandrium, which thus exposes the pollinia, and probably leads to self-fertilization. A similar situation occurs in Z. clandestina as noted above. The latter species differs in having green leaves at anthesis, no flange on the labellum hypochile, and lanceolate (vs. subterete) glands in the lip." The Harvard Papers in Botany, Vol. 23, No. 2, 2018, pp. 269–277 Ormerod 2018 Drawing fide
Synonyms *Zeuxine leucochila var cambodiana Gagnep 1934;
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; *The Harvard Papers in Botany, Vol. 23, No. 2, 2018, pp. 269–277 Ormerod 2018 Drawing fide