Pleurothallis edmeiae [ Jesus, Xim.Bols. & Chiron] in ed. SUBGENUS Specklinia SECTION Muscosae Lindl. 1842
Photo by © Francisco Jose de Jesus and his Flickr Orchid Photo Website
TYPE Drawing of Anathallis edmeiae
Drawing by © Guy Chiron and Richardiana 13: 295. F.J. de Jesus, Xim.Bols. & Chiron 2013
Common Name Edmeia's Pleurothallis [The first authors wifes name ]
Flower Size .24 to .28" [6 to 7 mm]
Found in Sao Paulo state of Brazil at elevations around 1200 to 1300 meters as a mini-miniature sized, cool growing, caespitose epiphyte with a short, cylindrical ramicaul enveloped by a papery, very acute bract and carrying a single, apical, erect, spathulate, obtuse and tridenticulate apically leaf that blooms in the late winter and early spring on 1 to 4, erect to ascending, arising through a short spathe, 1.8 to 6" [4.5 to 15 cm] long, successively single to 13 flowered inflorescence.
Most likely a synonym of P caudatipetala but differs in the non-articulate inflorescence enveloped by a single bract, instead of an articulate inflorescence with 2 bracts, a larger leaf, a carinate dorsal sepal vs non carinate, cilate vs glabrous petals and a different lip shape.
Synonyms Anathallis edmeiae Jesus, Xim.Bols. & Chiron 2013; Lankesteriana edmeiae ( Jesus, Xim.Bols. & Chiron) Karremans 2014
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ;
* Richardiana 13: 295. F.J. de Jesus, Xim.Bols. & Chiron 2013. drawing/photo fide;
LANKESTERIANA 13(3): 319—332 Kerremans 2014 as Lankesteriana edmeiae;
Harvard Papers in Botany , Vol. 20, No. 1, pp. 39–68 2015,© NEW SPECIES AND NOMENCLATURAL NOTES IN THEPLEUROTHALLIDINAE (ORCHIDACEAE) FROM BRAZIL Luer & Toscano 2015 as a synonym of Lankesteriana caudatipetala