Bletia candida Kraenzl. 1920

Another Drawing less likely to be correst

TYPE Drawings by © A Krol

Common Name The White Bletia

Flower Size

Found in Magdalena and Santander departments of Colombia and near the border in Venezuela at elevations around 1000 to 1300 meters as a medium to large sized [in bloom], cool growing terrestrial with conical, ovoid pseudobulbs carrying a single, apical, rect, linear, acuminate leaf that blooms in the mid winter on an erect, to 24 to 36" [60 to 90cm] long, simple, few flowered inflorescence with triangular, acute, much shorter than the pedicel floral bracts and carrying white flowers.

B candida is similar to B meridana but easily separted the lip that is three lobesd obove the midddle and B candida that is three lobed below the middle. Also floral bracts of B candida are much longer .28" vs .08 to .12" [7 mm vs 2 to 3 mm], the dorsal sepal is acute to subacute vs obtuse and the petals are narrower .16 to .32 to .3 to .4" [4 to 8 mm vs 7.5 to 10 mm].


References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ;

Materials to the Orchid Flora of Colombia Vol IV Szlatchetko & Kolanowska 2023 drawing fide

