Bulbophyllum balgooiji J.J.Verm., Schuit. & de Vogel 2014 SECTION Pedilochilus [Schlechter] J J Verm & O'Byrne 2011
TYPE Drawing of Pedilochilus subalpinus © by P Van Royen
Common Name Balgooy's Bulbophyllum [Collector of the type]
Flower Size .6" [1,5 cm]
Found in New Guinea in montane forests as a mini-miniature sized, cool growing epiphyte or terrestrial with a short, creeping rhizome giving rise to glabrous, close together, at right angle to rhizomes, ovoid pseudobulbs carrying a single, apical, erect, coriaceous, glabrous, lanceolate, lanceolate-elliptic, or slightly obovate-lanceolate, acute or acuminate, midrib grooved above, prominent below, lateral nerves c. 3 on either side of midrib, prominent on underside only, margin thin, subrevolute. narrowing below into the petiole-like, base leaf that blooms in the late fall and earlier winter on a solitary, peduncle 1.4 to 4.4" [3.5 to 11 cm]long, provided at base with 3 bracts, these ovate, acute, and one tubular, obliquely truncate bracts, single flowered inflorescence with glabrous, widely ovate, cucullate, apiculate, shorter than the ovary floral bracts and carrying yellowish green flowers that are densely purple spotted or creamy yellow, lip yellow or orange-yellow at tip or along margins, lateral petals purple, sometimes entire flower yellow.
Synonyms *Pedilochilus subalpinus P.Royen 1979
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Alpine Fl. New Guinea 2:267 P Royen 1979 as Pedilochilus subalpinus drawing fide; *Phytotaxa 166[2]:106 J J Vermeulen 2014 drawing fide